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Monday, September 01, 2008

Moment of Thought

How izzit one can try to relive the times we shared a year ago, two years back, or even three. Its pretty difficult if you compare now and back then. There bound to be this little bit of awkwardness, or something-is-missing-here kinda feeling. Well we can put on an act all day long if we want to, but deep down yes, its just weird. I guess God chooses and sends certain individuals to play and leave a big impact in our lives. But once He decides to take them away from you, I guess he's just telling you "Hey friend, time to move on to the next and fulfil what you've been told to fulfil...". So its not like I can complain or anything, but time quickly brings you to the next stage faster than you thought and then I'll find myself kinda stuck I should say. But no matter how unwilling I was, I'll often be reminded. Yes I do know how that presence and that sense of comfort feels like, its not my first time. At the end of the day, I'll gladly smile and whisper in my head "Thanks pal..".


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