Sunday, March 25, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007

We'll be back for the next outing baby!! Ciao fella!!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Synergiz, where I spent my last thusday and friday over there 12 hours each day. All the sessions were awesome even though sometimes I felt irritated with J.Mayo's madness...but still her sermons were good. Love those mtv from M.Barnett and his gang...think that's the lamest stuff I've ever seen. And you know those light sticks you see in concerts, I never know it could be replaced with handphones!! Oh and Jeff Deyo and his band, well...their songs...awesome!!!! I love that song "Unveil"!! Synergiz'08, I'm not gonna miss that!!
And once again, I find myself stuck in suntec during the weekend giving out the same magazines. My boss lied, telling me nonsense like the people at this exhibition are all the rich and high class one, so the magazine is darn easy to sell. Well end of the two days I sold like 8 copies!! The people that came were either old people who came and took freebies, or people from the food fair on the other side who so happen to finish tasting the food and all that and decided to come over, hoping to look for ice water to fulfill their quest which is quite frankly, a satisfying lunch!! *BURP* Best part was, my boss, non of them were around...one in malaysia probably eating, and the other in china probably.....I dunno lah. I still have work to do. Gotta do data entry for 1400 surveys!! Don't know when's the deadline, but I still haven't received the format so I don't know care!! The only thing that I'm looking forward to is this wednesday's outing!!
And once again, I find myself stuck in suntec during the weekend giving out the same magazines. My boss lied, telling me nonsense like the people at this exhibition are all the rich and high class one, so the magazine is darn easy to sell. Well end of the two days I sold like 8 copies!! The people that came were either old people who came and took freebies, or people from the food fair on the other side who so happen to finish tasting the food and all that and decided to come over, hoping to look for ice water to fulfill their quest which is quite frankly, a satisfying lunch!! *BURP* Best part was, my boss, non of them were around...one in malaysia probably eating, and the other in china probably.....I dunno lah. I still have work to do. Gotta do data entry for 1400 surveys!! Don't know when's the deadline, but I still haven't received the format so I don't know care!! The only thing that I'm looking forward to is this wednesday's outing!!
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Sentosa Outing Photos
Here are the photos!! I didn't exactly get it from Puikwan, well she hasn't even send it to me yet. So I thought I'll just borrow it from Daphne's blog. Anyway there are so many photos...so this slideshow shall do just fine. :D
courtesy of DAPHNE

Wednesday, March 07, 2007
The beach outing today was great. The same good old gang, nothing has changed between us. All the same hilarious nonsense from Zhanghao Siwei Eric Guanghao and of course myself, and all the girls who will always plan everything and buy all the stuffs needed. Indian poker, think that game the forfeit was crazy, I mean pole dancing on a tree and Sara being pole-danced by Eric and Siwei, darn funny lah. Puikwan took lots of photos...will upload them after she send it to me. Next outing, cycling!! Lisa shall do the organising part this time!! I'm red man...not sure will I turn dark enough tomorrow...what the hell am I saying!!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Alright. I got into temasek poly, well I should be contented. Mobile & wireless technology ain't that bad right?? Well at least I don't feel that I'm not interested in that course whatsoever, and I guess that makes me an official tp student...I'm really trying to convince myself it ain't that bad you know!! Anyway now that I got my school posting finally settled, I can go have fun for the next one month!! Starting tomorrow, yeah, going to sentosa with the good old gang, its been like 3 years since the last beach outing!! Oh ya, went out with Cheeleong and Engwee to celebrate mr. Lim's birthday at sushi tei yesterday. Dragon Roll taste the best...hmm...oh and I'm gonna got a raise in my salary!! Boss is happy with my performance so yup...more money!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the man who never fails to celebrate his birthday, Royal fashion style_
Friday, March 02, 2007
Alright, its time to update!! I only jog once this week, thanks to the rain!! Went kbox with Cindy and Jane on tuesday, it was fun I tell ya..oh and I bought MADE IN TWENTY(20)!! And today I started work. Job career fare, I like my job, another slack-whole-day job, and my pay is awesome!! And I went to subscrible to teens magazine, well not because I read it...well I don't even read such magazine!! I did it for the goodies lah...you won't believe it man, I got myself a Risk board game set(YEAH!!), a pair of Levi's shoes(HOLY COW!!), a Mary J Blige cd(just when I was waiting for someone to bless me with that), two unknown brand shampoo, some japanese brand pencil case, pen, key purse holder and two tubes of japanese chocolate!! I was quite contented with the shoe and the board game itself lah, but hey it state that I have to take all the other things too...well its kinda too good to be true right?? I feel bloody cheapo carrying those stuff into the train going home lah. Well at least I finally own my very own Risk!! Mindef letter came in, gotta go register, but I need to see my poly courses, somehow someway someone please put me in ngee ann I'm beggin' ya!!