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Location: Singapore

Sunday, January 21, 2007

I think its really time for me to change my handphone. Its been like two long years...and it has been like spoilt for over almost a year now with the buttons?? Don't think I can get the one I wanted initially...oh well...I'm not that crazy over phone models than I used to in the past. Went to vivo with mum today...guess from now on it will be outings with her every saturday..which IS a good thing. Kinda bored with my job. Its been a week and all I ever do is just pack goodie bags...and yesh the 18000 bags are not completed yet!! Well the team was slacking for the past two days...wednesday and thursday I think...due to the late arrival of the bags. Well...we still got the pay...afterall, they didn't wanna let us off but insisted we stay in the room to wait for it to arrive. So...kinda nice to get paid without working for a whole day actually...sleeping in the room..chatting and mingle with the strangers...oh and we just learnt that one of the guys is actually from some superband show called finding some average star working with students like us...hmmm...okie no offense alright. Went to singapore art museum dome today to celebrate Jolyn's birthday. I like the food...think the party was not bad...and Jolyn's grandparents looks darn young lah...some legends huh. Uptil now I still don't get it why people celebrate their 21st..why not like every year sia...why?? Can someone please tell me why?? And I really don't wanna go back to work this week~~~~~



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